Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Another Good Essay on the Ponzi Scheme We're Going to Finance
Read this concise description of what is going on in the US.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
US Meltdown and Trying to Understand What it Means for Us
I have been following the US financial meltdown for some time (see my February posting here) and I can tell you that it is way more serious than we are even seeing in the lamestream media.
Why is the US Fed bailing out these financial institutions? I asked that back in February but the reality is that they have no choice. If they let enough of them go down then credit will dry up and commerce will stop and we have The Great Depression II.
Watch this 40 minute video to see why we need credit: Money as Debt
Then read the mainstream Wall Street Journal article here.
Then read the real behind-the-scenes story on what's really happening and how bad it is from the International Forecaster here. (try to read past Chapman's invective to get to the good points).
We are seeing the biggest heist in world history right now and you and I and our kids are going to pay for it for many years to come. Do not for a micro-second, believe any Pollie or Central Banker when they say they didn't see this coming. They have known for years and they knew exactly what was going on. The housing bubble was DESIGNED to export inflation by allowing consumption to continue whist we exported our jobs which helped corporations make big profits. and executives big bonuses. Evenutally the house of cards came tumbling down helped along by some greedy Wall Street types and compliant politicians.
Savings and Loans in the 80s led to the mass looting of middle america's savings
Energy deregulation led to Enron (see this video)
And now finaicial instruments which were deregualted in 1996 by Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton whose mentor is Carol Quigley, need I say more, have resulted in this latest debacle.
Deregulation is NOT always a good thing.
I doubt the real perps will get prosecuted for this, they never do. A few figure heads will roll but the real money men will get away scott free yet again.
Why is the US Fed bailing out these financial institutions? I asked that back in February but the reality is that they have no choice. If they let enough of them go down then credit will dry up and commerce will stop and we have The Great Depression II.
Watch this 40 minute video to see why we need credit: Money as Debt
Then read the mainstream Wall Street Journal article here.
Then read the real behind-the-scenes story on what's really happening and how bad it is from the International Forecaster here. (try to read past Chapman's invective to get to the good points).
We are seeing the biggest heist in world history right now and you and I and our kids are going to pay for it for many years to come. Do not for a micro-second, believe any Pollie or Central Banker when they say they didn't see this coming. They have known for years and they knew exactly what was going on. The housing bubble was DESIGNED to export inflation by allowing consumption to continue whist we exported our jobs which helped corporations make big profits. and executives big bonuses. Evenutally the house of cards came tumbling down helped along by some greedy Wall Street types and compliant politicians.
Savings and Loans in the 80s led to the mass looting of middle america's savings
Energy deregulation led to Enron (see this video)
And now finaicial instruments which were deregualted in 1996 by Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton whose mentor is Carol Quigley, need I say more, have resulted in this latest debacle.
Deregulation is NOT always a good thing.
I doubt the real perps will get prosecuted for this, they never do. A few figure heads will roll but the real money men will get away scott free yet again.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Great Drive, Great Venue, Great Company, Crap Taxis
Mel and I left for Brisbane at 4:45am on Friday morning and had a clear run out of Sydney, in fact we got from our house to the F3 without stopping at a single set of lights - that'd have to be at least 20 sets of lights. We were in Newcastle by around 6am and chomping down on Maccie D's at 7. The drive was uneventful and mostly pretty good going. The Kepsey bypass is quite a construction. It must be 30 or 40 kilometres long but desperately needed. We stopped at the Riverside Park for lunch and sampled the local brew - VB. Stocking up the in-car refrigerator we were armed and ready for the remainder of the drive.
We caught up with Anne Wade and Jeremy who is staying there prior to his posting in Florida with the US Navy on exchange from the Australian Navy. Lots of laughs and a Thai dinner later we hit the sack. I put myself to sleep thinking of the sweet taste of victory that would most certainly come our way on the morrow.
Saturday was spent sitting around relaxing and waiting for the big game. I bought the local Courier Mail to read the hype. Sadly there was only one pitiful article recycling the usual tripe about cameras spying on the teams which I note turned into a bit of a beat up in the Aussie media after the game. There was no mention of whether we had any Labor ministers, MPs or backbenchers willing to be the NSW government
We spied Aussie Robbie talking on the news about how it was going to be a game like no other. Well I've seen a heap of Bledisloe Cup games live and I could tell him it was going to be just like the other ones played in the last few years - close and down to the wire.
We headed into the city from south Brisbane at around 3pm and caught the route 555 bus - this becomes important information later. I must say that the Cane Toads know how to build busways. Carr, no Iemma, no Rees....well whomever the latest Labor screw up is, could certainly take some tips from these chaps. When they build a bus way up here they do it properly with bridges and tunnels so that the bus doesn't need to stop at the lights!!! They have 1/4 the population and less than their fair share of the brains and yet they can teach us a thing or two about building bus lanes.
We got to the city in less than 30 minutes and headed straight to the nearest pub to establish ourselves and begin the campaign. The atmosphere was promising. Plenty of likely lads including a Yarpie wearing his SASOL shirt (which I learnt the other day is a mining company). Perhaps he was there from last year's tri-nations or he picked up the wrong program guide but anyway he seemed to be enjoying himself with his mates.
Johnny arrived and upped the pace a little but nothing Brother Ian, Mel and I couldn't handle. Jeremy sneaked in a "wedgy" which I learnt is a drink you slip in between shouts. Fine form indeed and showing the Navy training is paying off. Here we are at the boozer

After an hour or so we decided to head towards the stadium to be within close proximity of the event. Well a bit of a walk turned into a significant walk and the grumbles from Melsy were increasing with each block. Fortunately we got to the stadium precinct before we hit crises point and were able to refuel quickly. Plenty All Black supporters here I thought to myself. You could have been forgiven for thinking that we were in New Zealand but the reality is more likely that the Kiwis are more inclined to have a few beers before the game than Aussies.

We headed to the game in time to get supplies and see the new Haka - no medals for predicting that.

And a good game it was. Started off exactly as anticipated and ended the first half with Australia in front. Ian had predicted this and we weren't worried at all. Its a game of 80 minutes we told ourselves.

Half time over and the business end of the game began. Twenty one unanswered points and Ian and I were high fiving and enjoying the game feeling a little less stressed but it wasn't in the bag by any means. Mel started to distance herself from us and at one stage I thought the iPod was going to come out but then the Aussies came back with a vengeance and it was game on. In the end there wasn't enough time and the Mighty All Blacks bagged the silverware yet again.
I must say that Suncorp Stadium or whatever its currently called is a great ground. One of those made-for-football grounds where you get a good view of the game from anywhere rather like Moore Park in Sydney.

So with the silverware secured it was time to celebrate the win with like minded individuals. We hit a couple of pubs and Mel felt better being surrounded by Wallybee supporters. There were plenty of men in black and a great rugby feeling to the crowds.
This bloke had too many but kindly gave us a photo op.
Unfortunately the night ended with a 5 hour wait to get a taxi home. After three hours waiting for a taxi we decided to find the route 555 bus to Logan City. Once we found the bus stop we only had to wait another hour for a bus.
The Brisbanites can learn how to manage public transport for world class sports event from Sydney and can learn how to build bus ways from them.
We caught up with Anne Wade and Jeremy who is staying there prior to his posting in Florida with the US Navy on exchange from the Australian Navy. Lots of laughs and a Thai dinner later we hit the sack. I put myself to sleep thinking of the sweet taste of victory that would most certainly come our way on the morrow.
Saturday was spent sitting around relaxing and waiting for the big game. I bought the local Courier Mail to read the hype. Sadly there was only one pitiful article recycling the usual tripe about cameras spying on the teams which I note turned into a bit of a beat up in the Aussie media after the game. There was no mention of whether we had any Labor ministers, MPs or backbenchers willing to be the NSW government
We spied Aussie Robbie talking on the news about how it was going to be a game like no other. Well I've seen a heap of Bledisloe Cup games live and I could tell him it was going to be just like the other ones played in the last few years - close and down to the wire.
We headed into the city from south Brisbane at around 3pm and caught the route 555 bus - this becomes important information later. I must say that the Cane Toads know how to build busways. Carr, no Iemma, no Rees....well whomever the latest Labor screw up is, could certainly take some tips from these chaps. When they build a bus way up here they do it properly with bridges and tunnels so that the bus doesn't need to stop at the lights!!! They have 1/4 the population and less than their fair share of the brains and yet they can teach us a thing or two about building bus lanes.
We got to the city in less than 30 minutes and headed straight to the nearest pub to establish ourselves and begin the campaign. The atmosphere was promising. Plenty of likely lads including a Yarpie wearing his SASOL shirt (which I learnt the other day is a mining company). Perhaps he was there from last year's tri-nations or he picked up the wrong program guide but anyway he seemed to be enjoying himself with his mates.
Johnny arrived and upped the pace a little but nothing Brother Ian, Mel and I couldn't handle. Jeremy sneaked in a "wedgy" which I learnt is a drink you slip in between shouts. Fine form indeed and showing the Navy training is paying off. Here we are at the boozer

We headed to the game in time to get supplies and see the new Haka - no medals for predicting that.

And a good game it was. Started off exactly as anticipated and ended the first half with Australia in front. Ian had predicted this and we weren't worried at all. Its a game of 80 minutes we told ourselves.

Half time over and the business end of the game began. Twenty one unanswered points and Ian and I were high fiving and enjoying the game feeling a little less stressed but it wasn't in the bag by any means. Mel started to distance herself from us and at one stage I thought the iPod was going to come out but then the Aussies came back with a vengeance and it was game on. In the end there wasn't enough time and the Mighty All Blacks bagged the silverware yet again.
I must say that Suncorp Stadium or whatever its currently called is a great ground. One of those made-for-football grounds where you get a good view of the game from anywhere rather like Moore Park in Sydney.

So with the silverware secured it was time to celebrate the win with like minded individuals. We hit a couple of pubs and Mel felt better being surrounded by Wallybee supporters. There were plenty of men in black and a great rugby feeling to the crowds.
This bloke had too many but kindly gave us a photo op.
Unfortunately the night ended with a 5 hour wait to get a taxi home. After three hours waiting for a taxi we decided to find the route 555 bus to Logan City. Once we found the bus stop we only had to wait another hour for a bus.
The Brisbanites can learn how to manage public transport for world class sports event from Sydney and can learn how to build bus ways from them.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Pre Game THREE Comments
So this weekend it’s all on the line: Bledisloe and Tri Nations cups.
Mel told me yesterday that some drongo in Christchurch is giving her boss a 15 point start! He's pushing for 20 points and will probably get it. Giving him some slack for being a South Islander, I still think this is a very bold bet.
Aussies always play well against NZ and they will naturally be smarting after the bollocking they got at the hands of an equally miffed Boks side last week.
I didn’t get to see the Boks vs. Aussies game live but I heard from a disconsolate missus that the game was a shocker; I think she called it “humiliating” and “a disgrace” and “they should all just be sacked”. Later, when she sobered up, she was unrepentant. Of course when she’s like that you don’t join in and add to the pain by pointing out how the ABs are going to dick the Aussies this weekend “just like that”, it would be counter-productive even if I did believe it....which I don’t.
To say that I would like the game to be close and a good contest would be a lie – that’s for the purists. I’m not, I want the MABs to win and how I win is not that important as long as my side wins. The bigger the margin the better and the more obnoxious I become. I would love nothing more that seeing us dick them royally just like the Boks did but unfortunately that ain’t going to happen.
Remember, the Boks had to win as it was their last test at home before the end of season tours. They played up in Boer country – did you see that larger-loving Yarpies in the crowd? That was worth 15 points. They played on the high veldt, which was worth a few points too. The Aussies didn’t have to win, that was worth a few points. Lote “Have a Tequila” was playing, that’s worth a few points to any opposition.
Mel kindly saved the game on the telly (which I would have understood completely if she’d deleted it) so I was able to watch it and formulate an opinion of my own. I did not see the all out mess and disgrace that Mel saw. I saw a team that wasn’t really into it like the Boks were. I saw Bok 50/50 passes come off and the Aussie ones didn’t. Then I saw the Aussies give up 20 minutes from the end and start playing dumb football. I recall it was only a month or so ago we played Islander Rugby so we’re not squeaky clean on this front either.
It won’t be like this in Brisbane. It will be a composed side again. The Brisbane crowd are a partisan bunch to put it nicely. They’ll be roaring for the home side like they’ve never cheered before. Look these people live in Brisbane for a reason, its not chocker full of rocket scientists up there but the sun shines a lot so you don’t need much of an income to pay for heating bills and gas is cheaper than the rest of Australia. But these people can sure make a noise. The sort of noise that puts your lineout thrower off when there’s 5 minutes to go and you’re behind 7 points and you are in the oppositions 22. You know you should get this and score but you can’t hear the calls and you worry the ref will blow cause you’re wasting time and you just throw it in to where you think it is and of course….it’s a shocker. Then you panic and throw it around and they get an intercept and...well we know the rest.
Anyone taking a sure bet against the Wallabies is risking it. Don’t give any starts. Better to keep your money. Go for no start or a less than 5 start if under extreme pressure and you need desperately to make the bet to shut an Aussie up.
My pick: Aussies 19, MABs 27
As luck would have it we got some free tickets from Mel’s boss who couldn’t make it to the game so we are heading up there on Friday to join Ian. We’ll be staying at Annie Wade’s house in south Brisbane. I will give you the match report on Monday.
On another subject: England
I was in the UK last week and happened to be in the vicinity of the hallowed turf of Rugby School. In fact I went there and stood on the ground and viewed the various plaques about William Webb Ellis. One thing I noted was that the ground has like a golf green – not a fairway – a green. It was perfect. I will be posting some photos shortly.
Mel told me yesterday that some drongo in Christchurch is giving her boss a 15 point start! He's pushing for 20 points and will probably get it. Giving him some slack for being a South Islander, I still think this is a very bold bet.
Aussies always play well against NZ and they will naturally be smarting after the bollocking they got at the hands of an equally miffed Boks side last week.
I didn’t get to see the Boks vs. Aussies game live but I heard from a disconsolate missus that the game was a shocker; I think she called it “humiliating” and “a disgrace” and “they should all just be sacked”. Later, when she sobered up, she was unrepentant. Of course when she’s like that you don’t join in and add to the pain by pointing out how the ABs are going to dick the Aussies this weekend “just like that”, it would be counter-productive even if I did believe it....which I don’t.
To say that I would like the game to be close and a good contest would be a lie – that’s for the purists. I’m not, I want the MABs to win and how I win is not that important as long as my side wins. The bigger the margin the better and the more obnoxious I become. I would love nothing more that seeing us dick them royally just like the Boks did but unfortunately that ain’t going to happen.
Remember, the Boks had to win as it was their last test at home before the end of season tours. They played up in Boer country – did you see that larger-loving Yarpies in the crowd? That was worth 15 points. They played on the high veldt, which was worth a few points too. The Aussies didn’t have to win, that was worth a few points. Lote “Have a Tequila” was playing, that’s worth a few points to any opposition.
Mel kindly saved the game on the telly (which I would have understood completely if she’d deleted it) so I was able to watch it and formulate an opinion of my own. I did not see the all out mess and disgrace that Mel saw. I saw a team that wasn’t really into it like the Boks were. I saw Bok 50/50 passes come off and the Aussie ones didn’t. Then I saw the Aussies give up 20 minutes from the end and start playing dumb football. I recall it was only a month or so ago we played Islander Rugby so we’re not squeaky clean on this front either.
It won’t be like this in Brisbane. It will be a composed side again. The Brisbane crowd are a partisan bunch to put it nicely. They’ll be roaring for the home side like they’ve never cheered before. Look these people live in Brisbane for a reason, its not chocker full of rocket scientists up there but the sun shines a lot so you don’t need much of an income to pay for heating bills and gas is cheaper than the rest of Australia. But these people can sure make a noise. The sort of noise that puts your lineout thrower off when there’s 5 minutes to go and you’re behind 7 points and you are in the oppositions 22. You know you should get this and score but you can’t hear the calls and you worry the ref will blow cause you’re wasting time and you just throw it in to where you think it is and of course….it’s a shocker. Then you panic and throw it around and they get an intercept and...well we know the rest.
Anyone taking a sure bet against the Wallabies is risking it. Don’t give any starts. Better to keep your money. Go for no start or a less than 5 start if under extreme pressure and you need desperately to make the bet to shut an Aussie up.
My pick: Aussies 19, MABs 27
As luck would have it we got some free tickets from Mel’s boss who couldn’t make it to the game so we are heading up there on Friday to join Ian. We’ll be staying at Annie Wade’s house in south Brisbane. I will give you the match report on Monday.
On another subject: England
I was in the UK last week and happened to be in the vicinity of the hallowed turf of Rugby School. In fact I went there and stood on the ground and viewed the various plaques about William Webb Ellis. One thing I noted was that the ground has like a golf green – not a fairway – a green. It was perfect. I will be posting some photos shortly.
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