I note with trepidation that Kevin Rudd has copied Obama with his “Army of volunteers” (see here) to police the environment and look after the elderly among other throw-aways.
Both Obama’s idea and Krudd’s copy are very scary. It reminds me of The Third Wave experiment conducted by Ron Jones in 1967 in order try and show his students why the German public allowed the atrocities of World War II to happen right under their noses. A mass of disciplined followers aligned to an idea or ideology are a dangerous thing in the hands of a political leader as it can easily usurp constitutional institutions and the rule of law as happened in Nazi Germany.
Blind faith in a leader is plain wrong. Check out this unbelievable video where Obamaphiles make a series of pledges. It begins as somewhat reasonable then gets really quite creepy with pledges to “serve our president” and so forth. It is so scary it beggars belief that it is real until you see that they are celebrities so it must have actually been created to shift opinion. The President for Americans and our politicians here are TO SERVE US. That’s why were “Constituents” they were once called “Civil Servants” but now we’re “Civilians” and they are “Government Officials”.
Our job is to treat all political leaders with extreme suspicion and to criticise everything they do and try, at all times, to limit their control of us and minimise the amount of OUR money they get to waste. If you do not do this you get tyranny.