Thursday, April 30, 2009
Swine Flu - Don't Believe the Hype
Here's a clear head - Ron Paul US congressman on the Swine Flu
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Brings a Global Warming to the Heart
Gore is exposed trying the usual "guilt by association" techniques (moon landings) and scare tactics (Bernie Madoff). What a shame it has taken these politicians so long to wake up to what this has been all about. At least they're way ahead of the me-too-cheer-squad in Australia they call the Labor Party.
For the good oil on Gore's real motivation check here
Here's the YouTube of the hearings. Enjoy.
Fmr. Vice President Al Gore denies that Ken Lay and other CEOs developed carbon scheme: "I didn’t know him well enough to call him ‘Kenny-boy’."
One can hear what is presumably former Vice President Gore breathing heavily into the microphone in a subtle but immature protest over being questioned about the scientific conclusions he has reached about global warming.
Soon people will realise they were hyped about Global Warming by a compliant media and junk science supported by what appear to be respected international organisations like the UN/IPCC. This might cause them to look further into other tragedies in our recent history where the exact same techniques have been used to fool to the world's population and to silence descent.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Numbers Don't Lie
I see that Labor is “leaking” that the budget deficit could be as high as $50 Billion. This is about right when you look at the numbers.
Here’s the ABS report on tax revenues for the last few years. It features never ending increases in taxation income from all sectors – not one tax area declining – wouldn’t we all love a revenue side like that! The Howard government benefited from ever increasing taxation revenues as the economy boomed.
Look at the Commonwealth’s profit and loss for the last two quarters:
$m |
| Sep Qtr 2008 | Dec Qtr 2008 |
GFS Revenue |
Taxation revenue (a) | 60,829 | 73,736 |
Sales of goods and services | 1,578 | 1,557 |
Interest income | 1,651 | 1,386 |
Dividend income | 1,996 | 366 |
Other | 1,245 | 1,958 |
Total | 67,298 | 79,003 |
less |
GFS Expenses |
Gross operating expenses |
Depreciation | 680 | 712 |
Employee expenses | 5,648 | 5,729 |
Other operating expenses | 13,741 | 15,161 |
Total | 20,070 | 21,602 |
Nominal superannuation interest expenses | 1,519 | 1,629 |
Other interest expenses | 1,105 | 1,072 |
Other property expenses | 0 | 0 |
Current transfers |
Grant expenses | 21,527 | 22,541 |
Subsidy expenses | 1,883 | 2,018 |
Other current transfers | 22,004 | 30,968 |
Total | 45,414 | 55,527 |
Capital transfers | 1,960 | 1,435 |
Total | 70,067 | 81,265 |
equals |
GFS Net Operating Balance | -2,769 | -2,263 |
less |
Net acquisition of non-financial assets |
Gross fixed capital formation | 1,143 | 498 |
less Depreciation | 680 | 712 |
plus Change in inventories | 25 | 123 |
plus Other transactions in non-financial assets | 30 | 34 |
Total | 517 | -58 |
equals |
GFS Net Lending(+)/Borrowing(-) | -3,286 | -2,205 |
We see here that before the last two payments to bludgers which has added to government debt rather than going through these books, that they are already running a $2-3Bil per quarter deficit. Let’s assume that expenditure will not decrease or increase. Or, any extra payments for increased unemployed will be offset by some minor cuts in services or increases in taxes.
Cost blow out is not the problem – it’s the revenue side. It gets a great deal scarier here. Revenues from everything simply have to decline.
For the full year 2007-8, government revenue was made up of the following:
| 2007-08 |
| $m |
Taxes on income |
Income taxes levied on individuals |
Personal income tax | 124,212 |
Prescribed payments by individuals | 0 |
Fringe benefits tax | 3,796 |
Other income tax levied on individuals | 0 |
Total | 128,008 |
Income taxes levied on enterprises |
Company income tax | 66,661 |
Income tax paid by superannuation funds | 11,916 |
Prescribed payments by enterprises | 0 |
Total | 78,577 |
Income levied on non-residents |
Dividend withholding tax | 408 |
Interest withholding tax | 1,179 |
Other income taxes levied on non-residents | 409 |
Total | 1,996 |
Total | 208,580 |
Employers payroll taxes |
Other employers labour force taxes |
Superannuation guarantee charge | 381 |
Total | 381 |
Taxes on property |
Taxes on financial and capital transactions |
Government borrowing guarantee levies | 15 |
Total | 15 |
Taxes on the provision of goods and services |
General taxes (sales taxes) | 1,105 |
Goods and services tax (GST) | 44,381 |
Excises and levies |
Crude oil and LPG | 15,085 |
Other excises | 8,441 |
Agricultural production taxes | 600 |
Levies on statutory corporations | 170 |
Total | 24,297 |
Taxes on international trade | 6,081 |
Total | 75,863 |
Other | 832 |
Total | 285,672 |
Let’s say the current run rate of revenue per quarter is $67B. Revenue is therefore $268Bil – already down on last year by $17B.
Now let’s look at how the revenues are likely to deteriorate further:
Company tax – this must be at least halved and quite possibly worse if you take into account the accelerate depreciation provisions the government is pushing ($33B)
Superannuation tax – contributions will still be taxed but there will be less of them, however, the 15% tax on capital gains is GONE. Let’s assume that half the income from this tax is the gain part and we end up with a net loss ($6B)
Other Income stuff ($1B)
The next biggie is the GST and here we see the benefit of the government’s largesse coming back to them because all that money they have borrowed and put into the economy as payments to bludgers will come back in part as GST revenue…does it get any better? Given retail sales declines expected, unless they keep borrowing and stimulating, then we should see a marginal decline in GST revenue. I’m picking 5% decline or ($2B)
Fuel excise is determined by the overseas price of oil and the pump price and also reflects the power of the economy. Oil prices have dropped and so has petrol (but not by as much of course) and we're consuming less. I reckon take 20% off or ($3B).
Total lost revenue: $45B
I would expect that the government will raise a whole host of indirect taxes as well as prattle on about how they are going to target the rich to stop them avoiding tax (but not trust funds of course). It will be the usual claptrap.
Add the current run rate of, say, a $10B deficit to the new lost revenue of $45B and we get to around the “leaked” expected deficit figures.
What I am most interested in hearing is the government’s forward estimates which will tell us about what the balance sheet will look like after 4 years – about the end of this recession – so we can see what this whole thing will end up costing the kids.
We have some serious increases in taxes coming that I am sure of!