I haven't had a great deal of free time to post lately but recent events in Global Warming just can't be ignored.
If you don’t know about your government signing you up for Copenhagen in a few days then you need to wake up and check it out. Copenhagen is the latest attempt to get global consensus on an action plan to save the world from Global Warming – now called Climate Change because the world is in a regular cooling cycle.
I don’t believe Global Warming, if it is even occurring, is man-made. I do, however, believe that humans have done a lot of damage to the earth and the environment needs to be protected for all our sakes. For example, water purity and supply, soil quality and control of genetically modified organisms are serious environmental issues. CO2 is a plant food and one of the building blocks of life including water, oxygen and the sun!
What we read on the news about the Copenhagen agreement is pretty much the “party line”: Global Warming is a serious issue which needs a serious response which Kyoto began and Copenhagen will lock in. It’s a GLOBAL issue and needs and GLOBAL solution.
Because I have a very low regard for the mainstream media I thought I would read the actual Copenhagen agreement rather than take their word for it – all 64 pages of it which can be found with a quick search on Google or here. It’s a very interesting document. Governments and the media don’t really want us reading the fine print because that means we get too much information and may not like it and may actually oppose it. Best to keep us listening to our iPods, reading entertainment magazines and watching really silly TV shows like Glee. We’re too stupid to understand it anyway they presume.
I have read it and it’s very enlightening.
Fact #1: “Industrialised nations” – that’s us – have to get to zero carbon emissions (ZCAPs) and non-industrialised nations don’t really have to (LCAPs). The reason they don’t have to is that we caused the problem in the first place so it’s our bloody fault so we need to do the most to fix it. And, the non-industrial countries need to industrialise to raise themselves from poverty etc (nothing wrong in that).
Likely effect: What is left of our manufacturing jobs will go to developing countries. We can all be Barristers (the coffee making type) or maybe environment cops but more likely flipping burgers. Our high value jobs will go to low wage high pollution jurisdictions just as has been happening for the last 30 years; a continuation of the fundamental re-adjustment of the relationship between capital and labour will continue unabated under the guise of "globalisation".
Fact #2: The cost for the first 5 years is US$160B per year, to be paid for by the industrialized countries because the others don’t have any money and it’s our fault anyway.
Likely effect: We will be taxed to buggery to pay for this.
Fact #3: One of the goals is stated in an early draft was as follows:
The outcome for industrialized countries’ plans would be the achievement of their QERCs on a short term and an economy-wide transformation required to address unsustainable patterns of consumption and production leading to a phase out of carbon emissions by mid-century.
An “economy-wide transformation” to address “unsustainable patterns of consumption” …wow; now that’s a big statement. It certainly means you can kiss your standard of living goodbye.
What about this pearler in the final draft:
No ....Programme shall be developed for any unsustainable technology, particularly and especially nuclear energy-related technology.
Fact #4: The goal is “global governance” – that means global government. There is no mention whatsoever of how we vote for this government or how it will be elected.
Fact #5: Once a country signs on to this agreement, there needs to be a unanimous vote by all others to allow you to leave the agreement. Therefore, the rich ones that will want to get out can’t because the poor ones are on the gravy train.
….and there is a great deal more very alarming statements in this offensive document so go read it. Basically this is a funding mechanism for global government packaged as saving the environment to make you feel good.
And now we find out what we knew must have existed all along: the Church of Climatology has been busted falsifying climate data to cover up the cooling of the planet in the last 10 years. Check it out a good Climategate summary blog here. The local media in Australia has done its absolute best to suppress this story but it is raging in the UK and USA at the moment.
We always knew they were full of it and now we see concrete proof through leaked emails and computer programs which show among other things:
• Collusion to present false reports
• Falsification of source data
• Conspiracy to prevent of FOIA requests
• Political pressure to discredit scientists with alternative viewpoints
• manipulation of computer models
• political interference in the science
Don’t listen to anyone who tells you there is “consensus” on climate change or that “the science has been done” because there most certainly has not been consensus (I mean, even the commie George Monbiot agrees!). Check out here for some very qualified skeptics.
In summary, it’s all too much for me to bear………………………thanks goodness a few skeptics in the Liberal Party are balancing the Rudd governments headlong rush into the brainless emissions trading scheme. The best thing for Australia to do right now is NOTHING until we can all figure out what’s really happening and what, if anything, needs to be done.
PS: Oh and Polar Bear numbers are at record levels.