Monday, October 4, 2010

Global Cooling?

To be an AGW skeptic was pretty hazardous just a year ago let alone from the beginning but now people are finally waking up and I don't need to be so careful when discussing the subject with the brainwashed Global Warming Alarmists.

This bloke knows the truth:

I feel the need to buy a V8 to help produce enough CO2 for those poor plants that will starve if these idiots get their way.

iPhone 4.1 OS

Recently I tried the latest iOS 4.1 for iPhone 3G and it seems to have solved the sluggishness and drop outs I wrote about in the blog post "When Technology Lets You Down". Would have been nice if Apple could have got it right first time or warned users of 3G iPhones not to install iOS 4.0 - a total lemon.