Now that you’ve put the collective Kleenex back on the bedside table and you are feeling the afterglow of Obama winning the US election its time to have a reality check: The Obama Lapdance, not unsurprisingly, is about to leave you without satisfaction after a really quite exciting campaign in which he promised soooo much change but told you soooo little about what that change would actually be. But you got all caught up in the excitement and thought, as a lot of people did, that surely a black man in charge is enough to bring change to the Whitehouse after 8 years of a hick cowboy (the fact that Dubya was never a rancher and lived most of his early years in the cities of Midland and Houston - with holidays in Maine - should not get in the way of a good image).
I had hoped for change but I suspected there would be no change and, now that he has announced some of his cabinet, I know there will be no change.
As I told my son last week, listen to a person’s words but judge a person by their actions. Obama certainly has the words and the best speech writer going and it was all made considerably easier because his message of change matched 50% of Americans belief that they needed change. The fact that only 50% of Americans wanted Obama is a bit lost on the international community as they sit back and get entertained by the Obama Lapdance but I digress….
The way I judge Obama is by his actions and from what I can see he’s the same as Bush but potentially worse because he’s sucked in a huge amount of goodwill from meaningful progressives and liberals both in the US and around the world which he is about to crap all over. The first actions you should judge Obama by are the appointments in his administration. FAIL. It’s basically a shocker of insiders, war hawks and people with very dodgy histories. Some are recycled from the Clinton years and still more from the George H. W. Bush term. So we are in keeping with the “Bush-Clinton” theme of the last 20 years.
Here’s an article on the appointments so far. Its pretty scary reading.
I note that Israel’s stranglehold on policy will continue if not simply by the number of dual citizen Israelis in the cabinet. How they can allow a person to hold high office with ANY other citizenship other than US is beyond me!
Given all the lip service paid to change surely Obama could have put one or two progressives in his cabinet just to keep the bastards honest, but alas, he hasn’t. I guess the $1Bil he spent on his campaign needs to be paid back in favours some time.
PS: And before you say Obama had donations from the little people let me tell you that was in the beginning of his campaign (see “Inflating the numbers” in the article above). After that it was all BIG MONEY. Wall Street paid more to Obama than they did to McCain. These people invest money for a return. Obama will give them their return.
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