Friday, January 22, 2010

Godfrey Bloom in the European Parliament

He even mentions the falsification of climate data in New Zealand.

Monday, January 11, 2010

RIP Swine Flu

And now the real story is coming out about the Swine Flu:

  • It was completely hyped
  • WHO colluded
  • Pharmaceutical company profits
  • Corrupt bureaucrats.
  • Cover ups once they knew they were busted
How many people were forced, through fear, to take a untried and unproven vaccine as a result of this hyped flu? Will anyone be punished? I doubt it.

Now that you have seen a very obvious and clearly provable farce such as swine flu, is it any greater stretch to believe that Global Warming is a similar level of hoax or that a great many other stories the lame stream media presents to us are equally false or misleading?

Another interesting article is here.