Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More Inconvenient Truths

I have come to pity the Global Warming ninnies. Basic high-school geology gets thrown out and "hype science" replaces it because the lamestream media says it is so. The fact that the same morons who prattle on about global warming are the exact same morons that prattled on about the coming ice age in the 70's is lost on most. The fact that Al Gore owns a mansion that uses more energy than a small village is just because "he's misunderstood". The fact that Al Gore owns a big stake in cap and trade companies does not mean he has a conflict of interest..NOT. The fact that the IPCC has been totally discredited is not spoken about now.

But they are battling on to keep us scared to buggery. So Global Warming has now become "Climate Change" (so I presume we will outlaw winter and summer). Green House Gasses such as ozone depleting CFC’s are now partnered with C02 – a plant food that our very lives depend on! We are expected to measure everything in C02 - not because that is a bad gas but because it is a LIFE GIVING gas. Any LIFE GIVING gas is therefore attributable to us and therefore they can measure our consumption and therefore they can TAX us. Its all about tax.

More Inconvenient Truths:
We have discovered that the earth has in fact been cooling since 1998 right about when the sun spots activity practically stopped.

We have discovered Polar bears do not drown when there is no ice in fact we have found that they can swim for over 100 miles without stopping.

Now we have discovered that Antarctica has not read the bloody press releases and is acting contrary to the Climate Change Doctrine of “do as we say because we’re making it up”.

Do the right thing, do not pollute, recycle, save energy and support good environmental initiatives but do not believe in any of this Climate Change crap because it is simply not supported by the facts.

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